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Photography Tips


To show your work off to its best advantage, the following are tips to keep in mind when photographing your art:


• The best light is outdoor light, pick a time of day when the light is even, believe it or not, a day that is overcast but bright is great


• Set your camera to the highest resolution available, you can always make the picture smaller for use on websites, but it is nice to have a high resolution shot to start with, it has the most information and allows you most flexibility for usage, correction, etc.


• Do not use flash!


• Do make sure you have a tripod or a stable flat surface to set your camera on (table, chair)


• Artwork surface should be level with the camera face, try to set it up as straight as possible against a wall or backing board


• Artwork should not be under glass, i.e. remove from frame or better yet, shoot all your work prior to framing


• Make sure your background is neutral, maybe use a large piece of matte board or foam core in a neutral grey, white or black


• Appropriately label you photos afterwards for easy archiving and retrieving


• There are many tips available on the internet that will deal with particular issues and skill sets, check it out!